Early Career Investigator Program
What is an Early Career Investigator (ECIP)?
An early career investigator is an individual who is an undergraduate student, graduate student, medical student, post-doctoral student, or less than five years out of a doctoral program in a field relevant to psychiatric genetics.
Funded Travel Awards
The Travel Award is meant to defray part of the costs incurred to attend the meeting. The award money is expected to range between $500.00 – $2,000.00 USD depending on the actual costs of the travel involved. Travel Awardees must register at the student rate to qualify for the funds. In additional to the travel award funds, one senior researcher will serve as a mentor during the 2017 WCPG to an early career investigator. The mentor and investigator will have an opportunity to establish contact prior to the meeting. At the meeting, a formal gathering for both will be scheduled.
Oral and Poster Presentation Awards
The ECIP Committee will select oral and poster finalists from abstracts submitted by early career investigators. The authors will have an opportunity to compete for one of three Oral Presentation Awards or Poster Presentation Awards. A panel of judges will visit the posters or attend the oral presentations of the selected awardees and winners will be announced at the closing remarks on Thursday, October 17. Individuals will have the opportunity to elect to be considered for an Oral/Poster Presentation Award during the oral/poster abstract submission process.