ISPG 25th Anniversary

International Society of Psychiatric Genetics (ISPG) was established in 1992 to support the collaboration of physicians, researchers, geneticists, social workers, genetic counselors, students, or any professionals interested in the field of psychiatric genetics. The World Congress of Psychiatric Genetics (WCPG) was formed in 1989 as a result of a few successful workshops on schizophrenia and psychiatric genetics during the Biological Psychiatry Group.  In 1993, ISPG sponsored the 3rd WCPG in New Orleans, Louisiana and together expanded the discipline of psychiatric genetics to encompass all researchers whose work in neuroscience, neurobiology and genetics has future implications for developing new treatments for people with major mental illness.

  • Promoting education in psychiatric genetics, both for the scientific community and for the lay public. Each year the ISPG supports their Annual World Congress of Psychiatric Genetics. This meeting is dedicated to promoting education in psychiatric genetics and spreading the word of the latest psychiatric research.
  • Guiding early career researchers interested in the field of psychiatric genetics. For the Annual World Congress the Society sponsors the Early Career Investigator Program. Young Investigators are upcoming leaders in psychiatric genetics chosen by their peers to represent the future of the field.
  • Encouraging communication and collaboration between researchers in this area. The Genetic Testing Task Force and the Global Diversity Taskforce are just two examples of collaboration groups within our society. These groups, made up of ISPG members are leading the field in the controversial and compelling issues that could ultimately have a major impact on clinical.
  • Striving for the highest scientific and ethical standards in research and clinical practice. The ISPG offers many opportunities for participation: submitting proposals for presentations and presenting posters, volunteering to serve on committees, and taking part in the election of Board Members and Officers.
  • Paving the way to alleviate suffering due to psychiatric disorders. Through awareness and education, the ISPG, and with the help of its contributors is able to contribute to one of the world’s most novel scientific fields.

 “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world.  Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”  – Margaret Mead

This year we are celebrating the 25th Anniversary of ISPG and WCPG, and the members who have dedicated their time and resources to promote education in psychiatric genetics.  Please join us at the 2017 WCPG to celebrate this milestone and continue to work together to advance our mission.